Frequently Asked Questions on Account, Payment and Shipping.
For any product related questions, detailed information can be found in product descriptions. Please contact us directly if you need more information.
Is it necessary to create account?
No, you can continue to check out as guest. However, having an account will help you track all of your orders in one place. It will also help you with faster checkouts for future purchases.
I can’t login to my account.
Please make sure you are using the correct email address and password. If you forgot your password then you can reset it from the login page
What type of payments do you accept?
We accept Paypal and all major credit and debit cards.
Is my payment secured?
Yes, your payment is 100% secured and encrypted. We have an SSL Certificate in place and you can verify it here.
Can i cancel after payment?
Please contact as soon as possible. We immediately start the process of packaging and shipping your item. However, we will do our best to help you cancel the order and refund you in full.
When you place an order, you immediately receive a confirmation email. You also receive shipping confirmation email with tracking number once your order has been shipped. Sometimes our servers don't recognize emails with extensions such as @icloud.com and @yahoo.com and if you used any of these or organizational extensions then you may not receive confirmation emails. If you haven't received any confirmation email then please contact us immediately.
When do you ship the item?We typically ship within 1-2 business days. We will send you an update once the item is shipped.
Can you tell me more about shipping charges?
Please note, recent global events have disrupted the production of certain items. Your package may take 5 - 15 days. For this inconvenience we have reduced shipping charges from $9.99 to just $4.99.
Will you provide tracking number?
Yes, all of our products are shipped with tracking numbers. You will receive an email with more details on shipping once the item has been shipped.
When will I receive the item?
In most cases, item usually arrives within 4 days. However, due to recent events pertaining to pandemic, your package may take about 1-2 weeks to arrive. We apologize for this inconvenience as we look to improve our delivery times.
I have ordered different items. Will they arrive at different times?
In most cases you will receive your order in one package. In rare cases, if the stock is running low, we may take another day to process and ship out your item. In that case you may receive your items in different packages at different intervals.
I haven’t received my item yet.
Please use the tracking number to find out the estimated delivery time. If it has been more than 1 month then please contact us and we will help resolve the issue as soon as possible.
I have received a wrong/torn/low quality item!
We make sure all orders are carefully processed and packed. If, for some reason, you do face such an issue then please contact us. We will send you the same product for free or offer you a full refund. You can also read our Refund Policy.
I have more questions.
Please contact us